Frequently asked questions

Where are you based?

We are based in Canada! Specifically Edmonton, Alberta

What days do you ship orders?

It depends on my personal availability as I am just one person. However I attempt to fulfil the orders as soon as my personal work schedule allows. it will usually be after 1-2 days. but always before the Esty deadline.

Do you offer tracking?

Unfortunately, we don't offer tracking on every order. However on orders shipping outside of Canada, or orders in which tracking exceeds 10$ or is upgraded from the default lettermail, tracking is provided.

Do you do special requests?

As it is hard to know without the request, I can't give a answer on this one directly. But please feel free to contact me from the contact form below and I will attempt to fulfill any special request.

How long does it take to receive my order

Depending on your location or shipping method the dates may change. However the averages for within Canada are

Lettermail - No Tracking (Most common method for within Canada, any shipping under 5$ will be this method) (Standards given by Canada Post)
- Within City: 1-2 Business Days Average
- Within Province: 3 Business Days Average
- Within Country: 4 Business Days Average

Parcel - Tracking (Canada and the U.S.A) (Any shipping 10$ or up)
- Within City: 2 Business Days Average
- Within Province: 4 Business Days Average
- Within Country: 5 Business Days Average
- Outside Country: 6 Business Days Average

Parcel - International Tracking (Everywhere Else) (Any shipping 10$ or up)
- Within North America: 8 Business Days Average
- Everywhere Else: 10 Business Days Average

Do you offer bulk deals?

Yes! School events, birthday parties, to even weddings we have and will continue to offer great deals to anyone needing multiple amounts of dice. The average amount considered for bulk deals is 10+ sets

Can i suggest products?

Yes! Feel free to contact us at with any ideas or if you saw dice at a convention and would love to know if we can carry them.

Do you ship internationally?

We try our best to reach as many destinations as possible but due to countries laws and border practices some may be harder to reach then others. If Etsy does not allow you to ship my products to you send me an email at and I will let you know if its possible for me to ship it to you.

Anything else?

Any other questions? Feel free to contact me below by using the form.